Muskegon County Area Fishing Report

May 25th, 2021

5-24-21 Muskegon area
Solo trip for me thus morning, set lines in 170 feet and immediately started hitting fish. Zig zagged between 170-200 feet of water. Green Jeans Stinger flasher with a big weenie proctologist fly 90 feet down on the rigger was good early but died out. Bloody Nose moonshine 65 down on the rigger was the most consistent, it hit fish from start to end. Spotted Magic Man SuperSlim on 225 copper took 2 fish as well.
Basically the greens and oranges have been working well. 40-100 feet water column in 170-200 feet of water. Zig Zag trolling NW and SE trolls between those depths. Big kings down deep on deep riggers, cohos and steelhead are a little higher in the water column coming on 200-300 coppers.
Thanks Paul Elwell

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