Muskegon County Area Fishing Report

August 31st, 2021

8-29-21 West Michigan river fishing report. Trout took a back burner when this oppressive heat wave took hold. But the hot weather has brought with it an incredible river smallmouth bite. With River temps in the mid 70's these smallmouth are incredibly active. Focus your attention to rocky banks and cobble to boulder sized bottom stucture. They ate feeding on crawfish now! When river water temp peaks, crawfish molt and every fish in the river is chowwin down on them. Texas rigged double hula grub, 4 inch curly tail and crawfish cranks are producing most the bites. Any rocky area is going to hold smallmouth right now. The Grand, Muskegon and White rivers are all in prime shape for great catches of smallmouth. The Manistee and Pere Marquette are getting a few kings trickling in, this should explode with our first big rains and cooling temps in September. Look for September to be great
small stream fishing for trout before it closes on September 30th. Check September issue in woods n waters for Fall!
smallmouth and Octobers edition on season ending trout.~ Eric Richards, ofcRichards' River Guide, West, Mi.

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Dreamweaver Strike King Traxstech Corporation Off Shore Tackle Wavepro Garmin Lew's Drotto Boat Latch system Flofast Fluid transfer systems EGO Nets Whitewater Walleye Nation Creations Amped Outdoors

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